Small classes for business owners in groups of 5-7 participants.

Your specific skills have enabled you to build and run a profitable business.  Now is the time to watch for the pitfalls many businesses encounter when a company grows.

The following classes have been created for business owners and administrators. We provide short courses that instruct you in the following areas:

  • Loss prevention – creating tools that will eliminate theft in your business.
  • Internal controls – basic rules to implement in your company to keep the business systems congruent.
  • Financial analysis – maximize understanding from monthly financial statements and other reports produced by your accounting software.
  • Strategy building – how to create a roadmap for future business growth.
  • Basics of bookkeeping – how to implement your accounting system, create basic forms, fill out product and service codes, and utilize the inventory module.
  • Accounting requirements – accounting basics required by every business.

Each class operates in 4-hour increments.

Workshops can be On or Off-site